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Newsletter 20 (March, 2012)
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1. (ALEXEIEFF, A.). PUSHKIN, Alexander The Queen of Spades. Engravings in colour by A. Alexeieff. Preface by Prince D. Sviatopolk-Mirsky. London, The Blackamore Press, 1928. Vellum-backed cloth. 112 p. Printed in France in 275 numbered copies on specially made Rives paper with Blackamore watermark. With nine large wood engravings and seven vignettes by Alexandre Alexeieff, all in colors. First edition. Cloth sides a bit worn, some foxing.
€ 300
* Extremely effective, sinister
illustrations with subtle colors (pink, olive). Alexeieff (1901-1982)
worked in wood engraving only for a short time.
2. (ARBUTHNOT, F.F.) Sex Mythology including an Account of the Masculine Cross. London, Privately Printed, 1898. Unprinted vellum-backed boards. (2), 66 p. Printed in 200 copies. First edition. Cover a bit stained. Loosening.
€ 50
* Early study of the phallic background
of religious cults.
3. (BEARDSLEY, Aubrey). FOOTE, Samuel, & HOOK, Theodore Bon-Mots of Samuel Foote and Theodore Hook edited by Walter Jerrold with Grotesques by Aubrey Beardsley. London, J.M. Dent, 1894. 12mo (13 x 9 cm). Cream-colored cloth gilt and blocked in brown. 192 p. With two engraved portraits of the authors. Title page printed in red and brown. With 12 full-page illustrations and many small drawings after Aubrey Beardsley. First edition. Reading slant, cover somewhat soiled. Corners bumped. Bookplate of Fernand Lodewick. Owner's stamp ("Hy. Lawrence Gooding"). Some foxing. Place name and date written at lower flyleaf. Good only, but still an attractive little Beardsley book.
€ 45
* Humorous stories and sketches
by and about the 18th-century actor-dramatist and the witty Regency
4. BIRD & BULL PRESS. Hans SCHMOLLER Mr. Gladstone's Washi. A Survey of Reports on the Manufacture of Paper in Japan. The Parkes Report of 1871. Newtown, PA, Bird & Bull Press, 1984. 30 x 22 cm. Morocco-backed boards with a suite of illustrations in a folder, together in a slipcase. Illustrated and with a section printed on fine handmade Gampi paper. Printed in 500 numbered copies. First edition. With prospect. Slipcase a bit browned at one edge.
€ 125
* The Parkes report made in 1871
for William Gladstone about the manufacture of paper in Japan, with
20 full-size color reproductions of Japanese watercolors depicting papermaking.
A sumptuous book production!
5. (BODONI). MOREAU DE SAINT-MÉRY, M.-L.-É. Vu le Décret Impérial du 20 Prairial an XIII (...). Arrête. Parma, Imprimerie Impériale, [1805]. No wrappers. 8 p. Slightly soiled. With handwritten date on last page: '12 Mesidoro XIII', being July 1, 1805.
€ 125
* Decree of Médéric-Louis-Élie
Moreau de Saint-Méry, the General Administrator of the former Duchy
of Parma (for Napoleon) printed by the former ducal, now imperial printer,
the great Giambattista Bodoni, in modest but noble typography. In French
and Italian. Regulations about mortgage. Brooks 984.
6. BOUTENS, P.C. In den keerkring. Zeven gedichten. (Den Haag, Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Druk- en Boekkunst/ Kunera Pers), 1941 (= 1942). Original gilt vellum-backed boards. 28 p. Set by hand from Lucien Pissarro's Disteltype and printed in red, blue and black on Japanese paper by J.F. van Royen on his Albion press in 210 numbered copies. First edition. Binding (as usual) partly a bit discolored. Some foxing.
€ 125
* The last book printed by Van Royen,
shortly before his death in a Nazi prison. A splendid private press
edition of seven poems, its typography influenced by the Doves Press,
with a decorative type made specially for the Kunera Press in 1915,
and initials all cut by hand in boxwood by Van Royen (who was a top
PTT official in daily life). Van Royen 1964, 18. Rijkse 2.127.
7. BRETON, André Entretiens 1913-1952. (SIGNED). Avec André Parinaud et D. Arban, J.-L. Bédouin, R. Bélance, C. Chonez, P. Demarne, J. Duché, F. Dumont, C.-H. Ford, A. Patri, J.-M. Valverde. (Paris, Gallimard, 1952). Original wrappers. (4), 320 p. 8th edition. Backstrip worn..
€ 160
* Copy with autograph signed dedication
by Breton to the Amsterdam professor of French Sem Dresden (1914-2002):
'A M. Sem Dresden/ très sincère hommage d'/ André Breton'. A collection
of radio interviews about Breton's youth, the Great War, the origins
of Dada and Surrealism, and about meeting Apollinaire, Freud, Trotsky
and others.
8. BRIMONT, Renée de (Baronne A. de BRIMONT) Mirages. Poèmes. Ornés de dessins par Georges Barbier. Pais, Émile-Paul Frères, 1919. Original decorated wrappers. (4), 144 p. Uncut. Printed in 500 numbered copies on papier à la forme du Japon. With cover illustration (printed in gold and black), embellished title and two vignettes by George Barbier. First edition. Fine copy.
€ 50
* Elegant volume of poems. Some
of these were put to music by Gabriel Fauré. Renée de Brimont (1880-1943)
was a good friend of Natalie Barney and is included in 'Les Introuvables
9. BROMER, Anne C., & EDISON, Julian I. Miniature books. 40 Years of Tiny Treasures. New York, Abrams/ The Grolier Club, 2007. 28 x 25 cm. Illustrated boards with dust jacket. 416 p. Richly illustrated in colors. First edition. Fine copy.
€ 25
* Excellently illustrated book about
minibooks through the ages.
10. CAPE, Jonathan Now and Then. A Periodical of Books & Personalities Published Occasionally from Thirty Bedford Square by Jonathan Cape. Nrs. 30-62. London, Jonathan Cape, Winter 1928-Spring 1939. 33 issues. Original wrappers. 48 pages each. Illustrated. With some extras (prospectuses). First editions. Yapp edges a bit worn.
€ 160
* A cornucopia of short reviews,
biographic articles, pictures and some stories and poems, published
by Jonathan Cape (and Harper & Brothers). Added: War-time issues
Nr. 1 & 2, Winter 1939 and Spring 1940. Attractive designs.
11. CAVALRY Reiterspiele zur hundertjährigen Wiederkehr des Gründungstages des Dragoner-Regiments Königin Olga 1. Württ. Nr. 25, Ludwigsburg. (With Hofansage). Stuttgart, Greiner & Pfeiffer, Königliche Hofbuchdrucker, 1913. 29 x 18 cm. Original cream-colored moiré silk binding with coat of arms in copper and blue enamel. Silk doublures and a blue-and-white cord with tassel. Original wrappers printed in gold and colors. 16 p. printed on one side only. With a portrait of Emperor Wilhelm II and Queen Olga and six color illustrations after cavalry paintings in a decorative frame. First edition. Outer silk slightly foxed, tassel a bit fluffy, otherwise in fine condition.
€ 65
* With Hofansage (Court Announcement)
concerning the arrival at the railway station of the German Emperor
Wilhelm II and eight officers of his staff with details about the welcoming
committee and its attire. Imperial Germany at its best!
12. COGLAY, Michel du Chez les mauvais garçons. Choses vues. Paris, Éditions Raoul Saillard, 1936. Original wrappers. 224 p. Uncut. First edition. Cover slightly stained, reading slant, otherwise fine.
€ 40
* Rare documentary (slightly fictionalized)
about gay life in Paris in the 1930's: where homosexuals meet and how
they are like.
13. DESCHAMPS, Andrée Éther, Cocaïne, Hachich, Peyotl et démence précoce. Essai d'Exploration Pharmacodynamique du Psychisme des Déments précoces. Paris, Éditions Véga, 1932. 25 x 17 cm. Original wrappers. (2), 210 p. Uncut. First edition. Excellent copy.
€ 120
* Rare and early study about the
influence of hallucinogenics. Many detailed case histories. Thesis.
14. DONNE, Jack A Defence of Women for their Inconstancy & their Paintings. London, Fanfrolico Press, about 1927. Cloth. 12 p. One of 370 numbered copies on handmade paper. Apart from a paper fault in the first flyleaf a fine copy.
€ 35
* With 5 fine 'pen and ink drawings
made about 1925' by Norman Lindsay, the father of printer Jack Lindsay
(1900-1990). The younger Lindsay had left Australia for London in 1926,
taking his private Fanfrolico Press with him. This is the sixth publication
of the Press, that was to close in 1930.
15. DONNE, John The Expostulation. Assen, Hein Elferink, 1991. 8vo. Orig. wrappers.
Free with an order
* New Year's gift for 1992, published
in a small number of copies (50 or 100). 4 p. folded in 6 p. paper cover.
Fine typography.
16. (DUBOUT, Albert). BOILEAU, Nicolas Satire contre les femmes par Boileau. Illustrations de Dubout. Paris, Gibert Jeune, 1950. Original decorated wrappers. (8), 48 p. One of 3000 numbered copies. Fine.
€ 25
* 25 delicious humoristic drawings
in colors.
17. (EEKHOUD, Georges). HUGO, Victor L'Art d'être grand-père. Paris, Hetzel/ Quantin, about 1890. Gilt full morocco with inside dentelles and gold-printed flyleaves. (8), 240 p. Top gilt. Spine a bit discolored, some small traces of use.
€ 180
* This excellently bound gilt book
of Hugo's poetry was given by the staff of the Belgian journal L'Étoile
Belge to its owner, Alfred Madoux, on December 10, 1892 (probably
because of the birth of a grandchild), and signed by 17 of its collaborators.
Under the dedication '...dans l'espoir qu'elle puisse lui offrir un
jour L'Art d'être Bisaieul!' we find the signatures of courageous
novelist Georges Eekhoud, poet Albert Giraud, author Léopold Courouble
and fourteen others.
18. EEKHOUD, Georges L'Imposteur Magnanime. Perkin Warbeck. Drame en quatre actes. Bruxelles & Maestricht, Librairie Moderne, probably 1914. 24 x 16 cm. Orig. wrappers. (8), 96 p. Collection Junior. Later edition (first: 1902) enlarged with a short biography of the author and some pages of reviews. Covers a bit worn.
€ 45
* With SIGNED autograph dedication:
'A mon ami Charles Bricoult/ Affectueux hommage/ Georges Eekhoud/ septembre
19. EULENBURG, Philipp zu Autograph Letter Signed to 'Verehrteste gnädige Frau'. On smooth writing paper with printed letterhead 'Kaiserlich Deutsche Botschaft/ III. Metternichgasse 3/ Wien'. 20,9 x 13,4 cm. One folded leaf, written on page 1 and 2. Dated '15 März 97'. Signed 'P. Eulenburg'. 19 lines. In German. Folded horizontally.
€ 250
* Count (later Prince) Eulenburg
(1847-1921) was ambassador for Germany in Vienna from 1894-1903, years
before he, as an intimate friend of Emperor William II, was accused
as being homosexual. This initiated a major political conflict in Germany,
called the Harden-Eulenburg affair. Eulenburg thanks his unknown lady
friend effusively for all the good things she had given. Because of
a cold, he was unable to thank her in person in her box during the performance
of Wagner's Walküre. He hopes she was cured of her own cold and that
they will meet again soon.
20. FERRIER, James Frederick Autograph Letter Signed, probably to Fichte-biographer William Smith (1845). On letter paper with an embossed mark. 18,8 x 11,5 cm. 4 p. Written in '53 Queen Street' [, Edinburgh], dated '1 Nov 1845' and signed 'J F Ferrier'. Written in brown ink. 38 lines. Two tiny parts torn off, a few notes, some in pen (possibly by Smith) and some in pencil. Folded.
€ 60
* Letter to 'Dear Sir' by the Scottish
metaphysical philosopher Ferrier (1808-1864) to the author of a Fichte
translation and biography he had received, probably The Nature of
The Scholar and its Manifestations by William Smith (1845). Ferrier
is pressed for time ('in great household confusion of late'), having
to leave Edinburgh for St. Andrews (where he was appointed professor
in Moral Philosophy that year), but will be examining the book and 'should
a suitable occasion present itself, I should not hesitate to allude
to your work, as, in my opinion, a very illustrious performance'.
21. GOTCH, Frank Wrestling and How to Train. Illustrated with Photographs Specially Posed For by Frank Gotch and Oscar Samuelson. New York, Richard K. Fox, [1910]. Rebound in half cloth, original red upper cover bound in. 128 p. (incl. 25 pages of book ads). Binding somewhat worn, the book itself a bit short, but in very good condition.
€ 45
* Very attractive and amusing book
with introduction by Horace Lerch, hints on training and 29 pictures
of holds. With advertisements at the end for 25 different books about
sport and physical culture.
22. GOTTHELF, Jeremias Elsi die seltsame Magd. Mit Originalradierungen von Max Unold. München, Drei Masken Verlag, 1921. First Obelisk-Druck. Original full vellum (by Gustav Keilig) with 5 ribs and title ticket, in a vellum-lined marbled slipcase. 52 p. Printed in 320 numbered copies on Zanders Bütten. With 8 large and 6 small drypoint etchings by Max Unold. First edition. Edges of slipcase slightly worn, book in fine condition.
€ 350
* Fine deluxe edition. One of 50
Roman numbered copies in full vellum. Signed by Max Unold.
23. GRACIÁN, Baltasar Meditazioni sopra la santissima Comunione composte in Lingua Spagnuola dal padre Baldassarre Graziano della Compagnia di Gesù, e tradotta nell' idioma italiano da Francesco de Castro della medesima Compagnia. Venice, Niccolò Pezzana, 1737. 14 x 9 cm. Vellum with calligraphed title on spine. Nice inscription on page (2) dated 1737.
€ 110
* Attractive little translation
into Italian of El Comulgatorio (= 'The Altar Rail', 1655). Not
in Worldcat or in any of the various national libraries, only a 1750
edition in the State Library of Montecassino. The Spanish Jesuit priest
Gracián (1601-1658) was a prose author of the Baroque period, famous
for his collection of maxims Oráculo
manual y arte de prudencia or Hand Oracle of the Art of Worldly
24. GÉRALDY, Paul Toi et moi. Nouvelle édition. Ornée de deux dessins d'Edouard Vuillard. Paris, G. Crès, 1923. Gilt morocco-backed marbled boards. (8), 168 p. Two illustrations after Vuillard. Numbered copy. Inscription on flyleaf dated 1925.
€ 30
* A better bookbinding than usual:
morocco with an austere gilt decoration and hand-marbled paper.
25. HIRAKAWA, Noritoshi Autograph Signed Card. New York, 1999. 10,8 x 15,3 cm. Printed text in red: "New Yorkers are always busy with excusing themselves by finding reasons for living in NY." With name, address and date.
€ 15
* With autograph holiday wish to
'Dear Chris', signed 'Noritoshi' by the photographer/ performer.
26. (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus). VIERECK, George Sylvester Schijnwerpers. De problemen van onzen tijd in gesprekken met grooten onzer dagen. Nederlandsche bewerking door Johan W. Schotman. Leiden, Sijthoff, 1931. Decorated cloth with design by P.A.H. Hofman. Illustrated with photos. First edition. Excellent copy with almost all delicate decoration elements in gold, sea green (spine) and red still present. Name in pencil on p. 1.
€ 30
* Translation from the original
German into Dutch of Schlagschatten. Sechsundzwanzig Schicksalsfragen
an Große dieser Zeit (1930). Interviews with Barbusse, Briand,
Clemenceau, Einstein, Queen Elisabeth of België, Henry Ford, Freud,
Frank Harris, Gerhardt Hauptmann, Hindenburg, Magnus Hirschfeld, Ludendorff,
Albert Moll, Mussolini, Hjalmar Schacht, Arthur Schnitzler, Schrenck-Notzing,
Shaw, Steinach, the German Emperor Wilhelm II, Israel Zangwill and others.
With a lot of attention for Judaism. Attractive binding.
27. HOLTMONT, Alfred Die Hosenrolle. Variationen über das Thema: Das Weib als Mann. München, Meyer & Jessen, 1925. 8vo. Original decorated cloth. 248 p. On art paper. Illustrated. First edition. Slight foxing spots, but an attractive bright yellow art deco binding. With neat inscription from 1925.
€ 35
* 'The Role of Pants. Variations
on the Theme: Woman as Man' by Alfred Burgartz under his pseudonym Alfred
Holtmont. An amusing, well-illustrated typical 1920's book about women
in men's clothing in and out of the theatre. Many 18th and 19th century
pictures, and various contemporary scenes: Agnes Straub as George Sand,
Ruth Schwarzkopf, Anita Berber, Maria Orska. The stage roles of cheeky
boys played by girls are often alluded to.
28. HOMERUS Six hymns of Homer. The English Translation by Percy Bysshe Shelley facing the original Greek. (Maastricht), The Halcyon Press, 1929. Original red morocco. Top gilt. (6), 30 p. Printed in red and black in 481 numbered copies. Corners very slightly worn. Lower cover partly a bit darker. A little foxing.
€ 500
* One of 25 copies printed on Imperial
Japanese paper. Bound in subtly gilt and blind-tooled crimson full morocco
with marbled flyleaves (publisher's binding by L. Malcorps). Striking
typography by J. van Krimpen. The Halcyon Press 5. Van Dijk 183.
29. KEATS, John Odes. (Maastricht, The Halcyon Press/ A.A.M. Stols), 1927. Gilt full vellum in slipcase. Printed on handmade Ossekop paper of Van Gelder in red, light blue and black in 125 copies. Flyleaves wrinkled. Bookplate of John Roland Abbey (some offsetting on first free endpaper) and with his owner's mark in the rear, dated 8.3.1927.
€ 275
* Title and initials designed by
J. van Krimpen. Text edited by A. den Doolaard. In a desirable full
vellum publisher's binding. The Halcyon Press 1. Van Dijk 117.
30. KOROLYEVITCH, Vladimir Mej Mourrej (Mae Murray). Moskou, Kinopeshat, 1927. 14 x 11 cm. Original wrappers. 16 p. Illustrated. Very good copy.
€ 28
* Tiny biography in Russian of film
star Mae Murray (1893-1965), with some black-and-white illustrations.
Printed in 15.000 copies, but how many survived of this fragile little
31. (KUNERA PERS). PÉGUY, Charles La Tapisserie de Notre Dame. 1913. Den Haag, Kunera Pers, 1929. Original vellum. (8), 70 p. Set by hand in Distel type and printed in 105 numbered copies in red, blue and black by J.F. van Royen on handmade paper. Vellum a little warped. Bookplate of J. Maas by Albert Hahn Jr.
€ 600
* One of the topmost of Dutch private
press books, inspired by the Doves Press of T.J. Cobden-Sanderson. Van
Royen had commissioned Lucien Pissarro to design the Distel type for
his private press De Zilverdistel. For this book, Van Royen designed
his striking intertwining initials and and engraved them himself in
boxwood. Copy in original vellum with author's name in Distel type on
the spine an a gilt frame on upper and lower cover. Title page in woodcut
capitals, printed in red. Printer's mark of Saint Cunera at the banks
of the Rhine (by Pissarro). With printing date: April 20, 1929.
32. LYALL, Edna The Autobiography of a Slander. With twenty illustrations from drawings by L. Speed. London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1892. Decorated cloth. All edges gilt. (16), 148 p. Fine copy.
€ 65
* Fantastistically effective cover
decoration: a bat passes the moon, ridden by a lad with a book, brandishing
a goose feather in gilt, light blue and white on dark blue.
33. MANUSCRIPT MEMENTO Handwritten souvenir on vellum of M.A.O. Amaury de Lorgeril, killed as a naval ensign in Dixmude, 1914. Tiny photo surrounded by gilt and multicolored neo-gothic motifs with a text in French, style mediaeval manuscript.
€ 45
* Dedicated on verso by Comte Félix
de Forestier de Coubert to Amaury's mother Vicomtesse de Lorgeril.
34. MURPHY, Richard Care. (Amsterdam), Cornamona Press, 1983. Cloth with hand marbled boards. 48 p. Set in Linotype Georgian and printed on Ossekop paper in 200 numbered copies. First edition. Fine copy.
€ 65
* This is nr. 3 of 25 deluxe copies
bound by Paul Curtiss in Muckross House, Killarney. 'Grateful acknowledgement
is made to Marten Toonder and the Arts Council of Ireland for the Marten
Toonder Award' (p. 2). Murphy had received this literary award in 1980.
35. NAGRODSKAJA, Elena Die bronzene Tür (&) Kreuzweg der Leidenschaft. Leipzig, Wilhelm Borngräber Verlag, (about 1919). Cloth-backed decorated boards. 312; 342 p. Reprints. Spine of first vol. worn. Reading slant. Some foxing.
€ 25
* Two novels in German about homosexual
love by this popular Russian author, known also as Evdokiya Apollonowna
Nagrodskaya (1866-1930), daughter of novelist Avdotya Panaeva. She was
friends with Mikhail Kuzmin, who lived in her house from 1913-1914.
Nagrodskaya went to France after the Revolution.
36. OLYMPIAN GAMES 1936 Olympia 1936 - Plan von/ Map of/ Plan de/ Plano de Berlin. Berlin, Dresdner Bank, 1936. 62 x 80 cm folded into a 20 x 11 cm map with 48 pages. Printed in red, green, blue, yellow and black after a design by Walter Riemer. Text in German, English, French and Spanish. Outside just a little soiled. Very slight wear on one or two folds. Travel bureau stamp on front.
€ 30
* Large street map in colors with
localities of Olympian Games events AND showing branch offices of the
Dresdner Bank. With details about the use of money for international
visitors. Attractive modern design.
37. PALEN, Lewis Stanton The Lost Sword of Shamyl. Illustrated by Prince Serge Cantacuzène-Speransky. (Inscribed). London, The Bodley Head, 1925. Decorated cloth. xii, 132 p. With 11 illustrations on art paper. First edition. Almost Fine.
€ 40
* INSCRIBED by Lewis S. Palen to
'Prince George Cantacuzène', obviously a relative of the illustrator
38. POWYS, Theodore Francis An Interpretation of Genesis. London, Chatto & Windus, 1929. 26 x 17 cm. Cloth-backed decorated boards (without dust wrapper). (8), 104 p. Top edge gilt. Unopened. Austerely printed with Caslon type and a black letter on fine laid paper in 490 numbered and SIGNED copies. First edition. Flyleaves partly foxed.
€ 50
* In the form of a dialogue between
'The Lawgiver of Israel' and 'Zetetes'. An 'original, heretical, and
at times profoundly moving attempt to distil the spiritual truth from
the Book of Genesis', according to Richard Perceval Graves.
39. ROSNY, J.H. L'Indomptée. Paris, Léon Chailley, 1894. Original wrappers. (4), 360 p. Uncut. Protruding pages partly a bit yellowed. Loosening.
€ 45
* One of only 10 copies on Hollande
(Van Gelder paper), 'avec la barbe' or 'à toutes marges': a large paper
copy. Novel written by Joseph-Henri Boex and his brother Séraphin under
their collective pseudonym.
40. RUSSIAN BOOK CATALOGUE Chudozhestvennaya literatura. Katalog knig. Moscow / Leningrad, Gosudarstvennoye Izdatelstvo, 1927. Original decorated wrappers. 128 p. Front cover illustration by 'Rid'. Cover and inside paper a bit browned, edges slightly worn.
€ 35
* Extensive catalog of this publishing
house containing about 1000 titles, with an alphabetical register.
41. SCHIDROWITZ, Leo Sittengeschichte des Theaters. Eine Darstellung des Theaters, seiner Entwicklung und Stellung in zwei Jahrtausenden. Herausgegeben von Leo Schidrowitz. Neue, erweiterte Ausgabe. Mit ca. 200 ein- und mehrfarbigen Illustrationen, Kunstbeilagen und Mappenwerk.
Vienna / Leipzig, Verlag für Kulturforschung, 1925. Tall 8vo. Orig. decorated cloth. First Edition. With 4 separate lithographed plates in an envelope in the back of the book, lithographed 'Beilagenwerk zur Sittengeschichte des Theaters'. First edition. Fine.
€ 85
* The 'Beilagen' or Extras
usually have not been included in this famous 'History of Morality in
the Theatre' (or taken out and used for decoration in personal cabinets).
These are anonymous, original color lithographies, amongst these a funny
movable print in very good condition, and other nice images. A fascinating
book, a naughty child of its times, in excellent condition. Moving the movable print
42. SCOTT, Sir Walter The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Including his Great Metrical Romances, Copyright Lyrical Pieces, Miscellaneous Poems and Ballads. With a Memoir of the Author. Illustrated by Many Engravings on Steel and Wood. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1857. Full richly gilt morocco. 748 p. All edges gilt. 6 extratext steel engravings after J.M.W. Turner and one after Raeburn (portrait). Spine browned, edges a bit worn. A few little spots. Inscription in pencil dated 27/12/[18]66. Some foxing.
€ 65
* Attractive contemporary red leather
binding with rich decoration on upper and lower cover with botanic motifs
on the edges and doublures. Graceful period piece with the extremely
detailed Turner engravings.
43. SHKLOVSKY, Viktor (preface) Meri Pikford (Mary Pickford). Moscow, Kino-izdatyelstvo, 1925. 15 x 11,5 cm. 16 p. Illustrated. Small stamp and price on lower cover, small stamp on title page. Very good copy.
€ 35
* Tiny biography in Russian of the
famous film actress (1892-1979). Nice cover illustration with film stocks.
44. SOKOLIK, N. Garri Pil (Harry Piel). Moskou, Kinopeshat, 1926. 15 x 11,5 cm. Original wrappers. 16 p. A bit worn. Cover and one of the illustrations colored by an amateur (elegant work!). Written addition in Russion on title page (translated: 'The King of Trickery'), stamp on lower cover.
€ 28
* Tiny biography in Russian of the
German film actor Harry Piel (1892-1963).
Vignette from
nr. 8 of this list
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