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Newsletter 13 (March 31, 2011)

A Hat-box Full of Hearts

~ varied items ~

100 copies

1. ARETINO, Pietro Les Sonnets luxurieux. Texte italien, le seul authentique et traduction littérale par le traducteur des Ragionamenti. Avec une notice sur les sonnets luxurieux, l'époque de leur composition, les rapports de l'Arétin avec la Cour de Rome, et sur les dessins de Jules Romain gravés par Marc-Antoine. Paris, pour Isidore Liseux et ses amis, 1882. Musée secret du Bibliophile No. 2. Bilingual edition. Original wrappers. CXX, 84 p. Uncut. Printed on Arches paper in 100 copies. First edition. Cover edges a bit worn. Book block split.

€ 140

* Aretino's 16 Sonetti lussuriosi and nine extra sonnets, with French translations by Alcide Bonneau, and the distichs of Bernard de la Monnoye in Latin and French. With an extensive Notice. These ‘Lustful Sonnets’ were attractively printed on fine mould-made paper, with simple typographical original wrappers. Lower cover with publisher's advertisement for the Musée secret du Bibliophile No. 1 and 4 (including the astronomical prices of these books).

For your Haircut

2. BARBER'S BUSINESS CARD Maison Auguste, 46, Passage Jouffroy, 48 sous l'Horloge. (Ca. 1870). Large steel-engraved business card of a barber/ hairdresser in 19th century Paris. Oblong 16 x 25 cm. Printed on one side only. Glue traces on verso. A bit soiled and with a corner crease.

€ 35

* With a nice 77 x 137 mm steel engraving of the interior showing customers, barbers at work and furniture. 'Taille de cheveux 50 c., Barbe 25 c., Coiffure 25 c. Salon vaste et confortable. 10 Toilettes de front. Spécialité pour la taille des cheveux, la barbe et la coiffure.' An attractive specimen!

3. (BARBERS). WILLIAMS' SOAP Interessantes für Rasierende und Andere. (Williams' Rasierseifen). Glastonbury, CT., USA, Williams' Soap, ca. 1900. Original illustrated wrappers. 12 p. Illustrations in night blue, text printed in brown. Staples a bit rusty. Some wear and soiling, a crease, a few vague color pencil traces, but a delightful advertising booklet.

€ 25

* Trade booklet in German advertising shaving and toilet soap with charming illustrations.


4. (BARNARD, Gwen). WALTER, Eugene The Shapes of the River. The London Thames. Illustrated by Gwen Barnard. London, Gaberbocchus [Stefan Themerson], 1955. Cloth with dustjacket. 44 p. First edition. Very slight wear at top of spine section, otherwise fine.

€ 20

* Lovely book with striking colour illustrations by Gwen Barnard. With a funny 4-p. advertisement on yellow paper for the Thameside Coronation Ballet at the end of the book. ‘Some unconventional tools have been used by Gwen Barnard in making the pictures reproduced in this book. One of them, the wheel of a toy bicycle, is shown in the photograph on the back of the jacket.’

Surreal Erotism

5. BATAILLE, Georges, as LORD AUCH Histoire de l'oeil. Nouvelle version. Burgos, 1941 [= Paris, J.J. Pauvert, 1951]. Green cloth. 128 p. Printed in red and black in 500 numbered copies, all reserved for subscribers. Third edition. Carelessly bound. Original wrappers not bound in. Loosening. Corners a bit bumped.

€ 100

* One of Bataille's corner stone works, a hypersexual surrealist novel with philosophic undertones. First published 1928, in 1947 a revised edition was published with illustrations by Bellmer. This book follows the text of the second edition.

Explosion de la Liberté

6. BATTLESHIP CATASTROPHE Catastrophe de la "Liberté". 25 Septembre 1911. Vendu au profit des familles des victimes. No place, E.L.D., 1911. Oblong 10 x 16 cm. Original wrappers. 17 leaves with silk covering paper. Numbered edition (this is no. 0742). First edition.

€ 28

* In 1911, the battleship 'Liberté' exploded in the harbour of Toulon. 210 sailors were killed. This booklet contains 16 photos (in picture postcard size) of the catastrophe. Sales were used to help the family of the victims.

30 copies

7. DELESTRE-POIRSON, Charles-Gaspard, De Paris à Varsovie, par Francfort sur le Mein, Leipsik, Berlin et Thorn; De Varsovie à Trieste, par Breslaw, Vienne, Gratz et Laybach; De Trieste à Paris, par Venise, Milan, Genève et Lyon. Journal. Paris, Privately published, 1827. Cloth. (4), 152 p. Printed in only 30 copies. First edition. Two dents in front cover, shelf number written in ink on flyleaf, some foxing, but a very good copy.

€ 120

* Account of a trip (April 7-June 9, 1827) written by a busy man, who didn't have the time to send letters to all his friends. Delestre-Poirson was director of the Theatre Gymnase and discovered the great tragedian actress Mademoiselle Rachel, the ideal of Sarah Bernhardt.

A rare and entertaining book of travel writing full of literary allusions, commenting on the order and regularity of Prussion public administration, on the magnificence of Berlin buildings and Viennese opera houses, on the antique splendor and actual tristesse of Venice - sighing under the Austrian yoke - on Italian culinary enjoyments, the beautiful Milanese vaudeville theatres and the execrable musical and dramatical performances in Italy, on the 'admirable horrors' of the Simplon Pass (the new road constructed under Napoleon), on the hospitality of the Valaisians and the mountain dwellers in general, about the layout of the theatre of Clermont, and ending in good old Paris, with an ode to his faithful caleche, in which Delestre-Poirson and his wife traveled all those fourteen hundred leagues to Warsaw and Trieste and back again.

8. ERSKINE, John The Private Life of Helen of Troy. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1925. Original decorated cloth. 304 pp. Uncut. First edition. Top of spine a bit worn, one lower corner bumped.

€ 50

* With SIGNED author's inscription: 'S. Bottemheim / in his copy of my book / my cordial regard / John Erskine / January 11: 1927 -'. Probably for the Dutch musicologist Salomon Bottenheim (1880-1957).

9. GRÜNEWALD, Alfred Dithyrambischer Herbst. Potsdam, Hans Heinrich Tillgner, 1920. Original wrappers. (32) p. First edition. Yapp edges a bit creased; some bumps in lower cover. Backstrip a bit worn.

€ 40

* Gay poetry, mostly in second person, by the author of Sonette an einen Knaben.

20 copies

10. HANLEY, James Le Tourbillon. Roman. Drift traduit de l'Anglais par Jean Périer. Paris, Éditions Corrêa, 1952. Original wrappers. 272 p. Uncut. One of 20 numbered copies on Alfa Mousse paper. First edition/ Édition originale. Backstrip shows reading creases, short split at tail of front hinge. Lower cover creased and with some edge tears.

€ 100

* Deluxe edition of the French translation of Drift (1930), Hanley's first novel, set among Irish in Liverpool. The protagonist is a working boy who reads Zola and Joyce - like James Hanley himself had been. One of only twenty copies on quality paper, in Corrêa's collection 'Le Chemin de la Vie' directed by Maurice Nadeau, who also included works by Himes, Lowry and Miller. With a 4-page preface by Nadeau (who is still alive at 99 years old).

11. HERRICK, Albert B., & Edward C. BOYNTON American Electric Railway Practice. New York, McGraw Publishing Company, 1907. 23 x 15 cm. Original cloth. (2), vi, 404 pp. With 223 pictures and diagrams (some folding). First edition. Top and tail of spine very slightly worn, minor white spot on front cover. Gutters (inside binding) splitting, name on inside frontcover, blind-stamp on title page (‘Library of Robert A. Hall’), but a very good copy of a sturdy work.

€ 50

* Detailed, technical study of electric railway transportation 104 years ago.

Over Three Inches

12. HIRSCHFELD, Magnus Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes. Berlin, Louis Marcus, 1920. 23 x 16 cm. Original wrappers. XVIII, 1072 p. Second edition. Spine a bit discoloured, binding slightly worn and soiled. Bookplate. Tiny inscription on flyleaf.

€ 50

* A very good copy of a voluminous work so thick (8 cm) that it is easily damaged. 97 years after its first publication (1914) still a standard work! With three useful indexes. Exact reprint of the 1914 edition, save for the extra preface, that dates from 1920. The last edition to be published during Hirschfeld’s life. After a few partial reprints, a complete issue was published in 1984 and in 2001.

Diary Leaves of a Traveling Enthusiast

13. HOFFMANN E.T.A. Fantasiestücke in Callot's Manier. Blätter aus dem Tagebüche eines reisenden Enthusiasten. Mit einer Vorrede von Jean Paul. Dritte Auflage in zwei Theilen. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1825. 16 x 10 cm. Cloth-backed marbled boards. XX, 276; (6), 394 p. With engraving after Hoffmann's self portrait (many tiny foxing spots). Third edition. Binding a bit discolored and spotted. Tiny corner piece torn from the portrait (without loss of printed matter). Some foxing.

€ 80

* A completely revised edition of Hoffmann's first work, "Ausgabe letzter Hand". Contains a.o. the definitive editions of Kreisleriana, Der Magnetiseur, Der goldene Topf, and Die Abenteuer der Sylvester-Nacht. Not a first, but an affordable early edition.

From Fifteen Filing Boxes

14. JEAN PAUL Leben des Quintus Fixlein, aus funfzehn Zettelkästen gezogen nebst einem Mustheil und einigen Jus de tablette. Zweyte verbesserte und mit der Geschichte meiner Vorrede vermehrte Auflage. Bayreuth, Johann Andreas Lübeks Erben, 1801. 16 x 10 cm. Calf-backed marbled boards with a gilt leather title label. XVI, 96, (2), (10) p. Two engraved vignettes. Second edition with added ‘History of my Preface’. Spine a bit rubbed, some foxing, but a very nice copy.

€ 95

* Not a first edition, but an enjoyable and attractive early one, published when Jean Paul was only 38.

A Hat-box Full of Hearts

15. LECA, Victor Forfaits d'Amour. Roman de moeurs canailles. Paris, Librairie Artistique et Édition Parisienne Réunies, [1914]. Original wrappers. 202, (22) pp. (with publisher's catalog). Uncut. With 4 illustrations printed in turqoise. First edition. Cover worn along spine and edges. A bit soiled.

€ 65

* Not in Worldcat or in Catalogue collectif de France (ccfr). Cover illustrated with a prostitute addressed by a little Cupid, some prospective clients hovering in the background. The girl is brandishing a large hat-box full of hearts. The erotic novel is followed by a short story, 'Les tétons d'Irma', dated 'Montmartre, Juin 1914', and an extensive publisher's catalog with 55 titles, some described in extenso.

Car factory Menu

16. PEUGEOT Banquet Peugeot. Salon 1936. Palais des Sports Dimanche 4 Octobre. À votre Service: 302 402. Deux soeurs parées de toutes les vertus. (Paris, Peugeot, 1936). Original wrappers with printed glassine cover. Sewn with a cord (with a small tassel). 8 p. printed in blue and black on one side only. First edition. Glassine a bit browned and damaged, especially at the back of the booklet, no loss of text. Edges slightly worn.

€ 35

* Cheerful and attractive menu, a folded sheet with 4 printed pages, blue wrappers (showing two sisters serving pheasants) and a cover with title and the two marks of the Peugeot 402 and 302 in red, white and blue. After dinner (pheasant, poularde, Traminer 1933, Nuits Saint-Georges 1926) there was a dance and a lottery, with a Peugeot 302, a motorcycle, a tandem and a bike as prizes.

Wealth and Refinement

17. RIVIERA PALACE HOTEL, NICE Riviera Palace (Cimiez-Nice). (Trade Brochure). Nice, Riviera Palace Hotel, 1907. Oblong 14 x 19 cm. Original wrappers sewn with a red cord. 20 p. Printed in orange and black on art paper. Lavishly illustrated. Lower cover a bit creased, edges slightly discolored, otherwise fine.

€ 25

* Elegant advertising booklet in English for this exclusive hotel overlooking the city of Nice, that 'aristocratic home of all people of wealth and refinement, who are in the habit of spending the winter abroad'. A room in the season costs between Fr. 12 (single bed) and 70 (sitting room). A servant's room is Fr. 4 a night.

Late First

18. SYMONDS, John Addington Last and First. Being Two Essays: The New Spirit and Arthur Hugh Clough. New York, Nicholas L. Brown, 1919. 19 x 14 cm. Cloth with dust jacket. 144 p. Deckle edges. First edition. DJ with some slight creases and two 1 cm tears, spine area slightly soiled. Some pages a bit foxed.

€ 45

* Two essays published for the first time in book form - from the Fortnightly Review, 1868 and 1893.


19. ULLSTEIN 3 Neuerscheinungen bei den gelben Ullsteinbüchern für 1 Mark. (Publisher's advertising folder). Berlin, Ullstein Verlag, [1928]. 14 x 11 cm. Leporello. 8 p. A bit discolored, but in very good condition.

€ 12

* Prospect for Nr. 42, 43 and 44 of the popular series of 'Gelbe Ullstein-Bücher', Yellow Ullstein Books. With pictures.

Hearts in your Letterbox

20. VINTAGE WRITING PAPER. 19th century Two sheets of unused French love letter writing paper. Elaborate blue border with a lithographed picture colored 'en pochoir'. 26 x 20 cm. Folded to make 4 p., printed on one page only. Probably about 1850. Tipped on a larger sheet. Slightly soiled.

€ 25

* Deluxe writing paper for love letters, one with an earnestly conversing pair in a wood, one showing a proposal of marriage. Nice detailed colored lithographs.

21. VINTAGE WRITING PAPER. 19th century Two sheets of unused French love letter writing paper. Elaborate gilt border with a lithographed picture multicolored and gilt 'en pochoir'. 24 x 20 cm. Folded to make 4 p., printed on one page only. Probably about 1850. With a few tiny spots.

€ 25

* Deluxe paper with (1) Cupido on a chariot, drawn by two dragonflies, with printed text: 'Pour toujours à son Joug l'Amour les asservit' (= ‘Forever at their yoke – Love enslaves them’) and a printed number; (2) A garlanded and winged heart crowned with violets over a cloud, with printed text 'Mes pensées et mon Coeur toujours volent vers vous' (= ‘My thoughts and my Heart always fly to thee’) and a printed number.

Pitcairn Utopia

22. WHITEING, Richard Original Photo Inscribed. London, Maull & Fox, about 1905. 16,5 x 10,5 cm. An elderly Whiteing leaning with his elbow on a book-strewn carved desk, looking into the camera. Number written on text side, otherwise fine.

€ 35

* From the author and journalist (1840-1928) of 'The Island' (1888) about living in utopian conditions on Pitcairn Island. With autograph inscription on the lower edge: 'From Comrade to Comrade/ Richard Whiteing'. Maull's address is given as '187a Piccadilly '. A fine inscribed writer’s portrait.


23. WIGGIN, Kate Douglas Autograph letter signed to 'Dear Mrs. Morse', dated 'Feb. 10th [18]96'. One sheet headed with a printed dog and ribbon with inscription Malo Mori quam Foedari ('I rather die than be dishonored'). Written on one side only. Pasted to a slightly larger sheet. 14,5 x 10,1 cm.

€ 40

* Goodlooking letter. 'I am sorry we cannot come to you on the 21st. We are going out of town.' Address: '131 N. 11th St.' Kate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923) was a children's books author, her most famous book being Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1903). After her husband's untimely death, she remarried with George C. Riggs. This letter is duly signed 'Kate D Riggs'.

Fridolin’s secret Marriage

24. WILBRANDT, Adolf Fridolins heimliche Ehe. Nach Erinnerungen und Mitteilungen erzählt. Stuttgart und Berlin, Cotta, 1907. Original gilt brown cloth with a Jugendstil motif. 224, (6) p. Marbled edges. Book ribbon. 4th edition. Fine copy.

€ 65

* Later German edition of this famous 1875 gay novel (arguably the very first with a happy ending), nevertheless very rare, and a beautiful book, its attractive period binding in fine condition. A translation into English by Clara Bell was published in 1884, as ‘Fridolin’s Mystical Marriage’. Needless to say, its modern reprints are hideously ugly.


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