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Newsletter 15 (June, 2011)

Love, Life & Work

1. ARCADIE Arcadie. Revue littéraire et scientifique. Collection of 105 loose issues. Paris, Arcadie, 1956-1979. Original wrappers. First edition. One cover damaged, the 104 others in very good condition.

€ 300

* Collection consisting of nrs. 25, 34, 35, 46-49, 51-57, 59-65, 69-71, 85-104, 106, 107, 121-124, 126-130, 132-134, 136-148, 153-161, 163-167, 170, 174-191, 193-195, 198-200, 202, 204, 213, 241, 307-8. With original stencils of the Club Arcadie inserted in many of these numbers. A rare French gay magazine, that was published from 1954-1982.

2. AVELINE, Claude Grèges. Sans place, Florentin Mouret, 1955. In-12. Original wrappers. 24 p. Printed in 99 numbered copies. This is one of 97 on Montgolfier pur fil. First edition. Tiny tear in cover. Partly discolored.

€ 36

* Inscribed by Aveline 'en cordial souvenir'.

3. BURLEY, W.J. Wycliffe and the Redhead. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1998. Original wrappers. 192 p. Advance uncorrected proofs (ARC). First edition.

€ 16

* Nice detective story about an antiquarian bookseller in the middle of a murder case.

4. (CAPPIELLO, Leonetto). VILLIOD, Eugène Qui suis-je? Paris, Eugène Villiod, circa 1920. 11 x 7 cm. Folded card. 4 p. With two identical illustrations by Leonetto Cappiello. Very good condition.

€ 18

* Two identical lithographic illustrations of the masked detective with a large key over the question: 'Qui suis-je?' At the other side in lithographed handwriting the answer: 'Villiod Eugène, Détective' advertising his books and activities: 'Enquêtes recherches et surveillances pour mariages - successions - divorces - abus de confiance - etc....'. A pretty advertising card.

5. (CHANNEL SWIMMER). SULLIVAN, Henry F. Autograph Signed Note. Slip of paper. Oblong 7 x 13 cm. 4 lines. Slight traces of use.

€ 35

* 'Yours truly/ Henry F. Sullivan/ swam English Channel/ Aug. 5 + 6, 1923. (flourish)'. Original signature of marathon swimmer Sullivan, born 1893 in Lowell, Massachusetts, who started from Dover on Sunday afternoon 4:20, August 5, 1923, and arrived in Calais after 27 3/4 hours, having swum an estimated 56 miles.

6. DYKES, Oswald English Proverbs, with Moral Reflexions (in imitation of Sir Roger L'Estrange's Aesop). Familiarly accomodated to the Humour and Manners of the present Age. The Second Edition, to which is added, the Union-Proverb, occasion'd by the late French Expedition to Scotland, and several other Proverbs never before printed. London, H. Meere for G. Sawbridge, in Little-Britain, and sold by J. Woodward, B. Bragge and J. Morphew, 1709. Panelled and polished calf. (2), 316; (8), 18 p. First edition. Some dents in the edges.

€ 100

* The first edition of 1708 was titled Moral Reflexions upon Select English Proverbs'. With old inscription on last flyleaf: “There are a number of foolish books, but none more so than this”. Attractive binding.

7. FORT, Paul La France à travers les ballades françaises. 9 volumes de la série: L'Amour enfant de bohème - L'Arche de Noé - Chansons d'Amour - Chants du malheur et chansons du bonheur - L'Homme tombé du Paradis - Livre d'espérance - Quartier Latin - Le Rire français - Rois de France. Paris, François Bernouard, 1929-1939. 29 x 20 cm. Original wrappers. First editions. Printed in small numbers (200-400) on vergé d'Arches à la forme (or another paper), numbered and signed, inscribed by the author and almost all with an autograph text. Some volumes have a few vague stains.

€ 325

* Fairly long dedications to 'Docteur Maxime Loup', often handwritten, some books are printed with Loup’s name. With a visiting card and some portraits of Paul Fort, one beautiful photo with dedication. Illustrations by Pierre Girieud, I. Perely, Gino Severini, Ginette d'Yd et Ignacio Zuolaga. Intriguing collection!

8. HEINE, Maurice Recueil de confessions et observations psycho-sexuelles tirées de la littérature médicale et présentées avec un avant-propos. Avec gravures hors-texte. Paris, Jean Crès, 1936. Original wrappers. (8), XXIV, 272 p. Illustrated. First edition. Some foxing.

€ 25

* A 'collection of facts', partly from case studies by Krafft-Ebing and others compiled by the French literary doctor (1884-1940), who published several works about De Sade. Homosexuality, bisexuality, sadism, masochism, fetishism, necrophilia, zoophilia and various other psychosexual deviations.

9. HIRSCHFELD, Magnus, & LINSERT, Richard Empfängnisverhütung. Mittel und Methoden. Berlin, Neuer Deutscher Verlag, 1930. Original wrappers. 48 p. (+ 2). 6th enlarged edition. Small label on upper cover. A bit foxed, backstrip worn.

Free if you order another book of this list

* About contraception. With the questionnaire.

10. HOESCH, Felix Der Weidebetrieb in der Schweinezucht. Praktische Winke für die Weideernährung und eine vereinfachte, naturgemässe Haltung der Zucht- und Mastschweine, sowie Ratschläge für die Züchtung und Fütterung. Hannover, M. & H. Schaper, 1906. Original embossed cloth. (8), 172 p. Many nice pictures of pigs. 15 pages of advertisement (including flyleaves). Second, enlarged edition. Binding a bit worn, but still pleasant. Page 111 creased and with a marginal tear.

€ 16

* All about raising swine. Funny embossed grey-green binding with a pig in a frame of cabbage leaves.

11. HUBBARD, Elbert & Alice Justinian and Theodora. A Drama being a chapter of History and the One Gleam of Light during the Dark Ages. East Aurora, NY, Roycrofters, [1906]. Full gilt suede with ample yapp edges. Moiré silk 'endpapers'. (2), 114 p. Top gilt. Uncut. Decorations by Dard HUNTER. With portraits of both authors in red on tinted paper. 1st edition. Fine copy.

€ 120

* A fine copy (!) of one of the best Roycroft books. Sublime art nouveau title page and vignettes printed in black and orange by youthful typographer Dard Hunter (1883-1966). McKenna 130.

12. HUBBARD, Elbert Love, Life & Work being a book of Opinions Reasonably Good-Natured, concerning how to attain the Highest Happiness for One's Self with the Leat Possible Harm to Others. (East Aurora, NY, The Roycrofters, 1906). 20 x 13 cm. Full suede, blindstamped, with ample yapp edges. (2), 154 p. Uncut. Printed in red and black on Roycroft paper. Title design and vignettes by Dard Hunter. 1st edition. Fine copy.

€ 50

* Fine art nouveau design by the still very young book designer Dard Hunter (1883-1966). Usually suede-bound Roycroft books are in bad condition – this one is fine. McKenna 134.

13. KERTBENY, K.M. La Hongrie. Son développement intellectuel et politique. Notice sur le Comte Széchényi. Traduite de l'allemand par Gustave Revilliod. Genève, H. Georg, 1860. Original wrappers. 48 p. Uncut. First edition. Lower part of cover and lower right tips of the first pages stained.

€ 90

* Memories by the enigmatic journalist and author Karl Maria Kertbeny about the great Hungarian reformer Count István Széchenyi (1781-1860), whom Kertbeny had met in the 1840's.

14. KUPFFER, Elisar von, as ELISARION Aino und Tio. Fabulistisches Spiel mit und ohne Bedeutung. Mit einem Vorwort von Dr. Eduard von Mayer. München, Verlag Akropolis, [1911]. Original wrappers. XVI, 130 pp. Uncut. Second edition. Uncut. Backstrip a bit discoloured. Edge of p. 7 damaged (without text loss).

€ 45

* First published in 1907.

15. (PATER, Walter). Walter Satyr, Anne Langdrew and Walter Lavish Slander Imaginary Lectures reported by Walter Satyr, Anne Langdrew and Walter Lavish Slander for The Morningside and now for the first time Collected with additional Lectures, an Imaginary Address and an Imaginary Interview into a book and with them the Original Pictures by Malcolm A. Strauss, Huger Elliott and W.H. Schanck. New York, The Morningside, 1900. First edition. 25 x 19 cm. Original boards with title ticket. 88 pp. Uncut. Illustrated. Printed in 500 numbered copies. Small spots on lower cover. Book is slightly slanted. Some foxing.

€ 30

* Morningside is the neighbourhood in Manhattan, New York, where Columbia University, founded in 1754, was moved to in 1896. This collection of 'Imaginary Lectures' not only satirizes Walter Pater and his 'Imaginary Portraits' (and Walter Savage Landor) but also various professors of Columbia University, who have been portrayed by Strauss, Elliott and Schanck.

16. (RATHENAU, Emil). Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) Die Elektrischen Strassenbahnen mit oberirdischer Stromzuführung nach dem System der Allgemeinen Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Berlin, AEG, 1894. Oblong 22 x 31 cm. Original gilt cloth. (6), 168 p. Printed in black and red. Richly illustrated. First edition. Lower cover rather worn, otherwise a fine and sturdy copy.

€ 125

* With descriptions of the electrical tram networks in Gera, Kiew, Breslau, Essen, Chemnitz, Christiania, Dortmund, Lübeck and Plauen in photos, detailed drawings, cross sections and situation maps. Emil Rathenau (father of Walter Rathenau) was the visionary founder and managing director of AEG, the first company to build electrical trams and their networks.

17. ROLLEI CAMERA Rolleicord - Rolleiflex. Collection of 13 trade catalogs. Braunschweig, Franke & Heidecke, 1950-1961. Various sizes. Folders, concertina folders and booklets. Most in German, some in Dutch. Illustrated. Some with a neat old shop label. Very good-fine condition.

€ 70

* Attractive vintage advertising publications in fine period design (some signed Kowár). More pictures on file.

18. STOKVIS, Benno J. De Homosexueelen. 35 autobiografieën. Verzameld en ingeleid door -. Lochem, De Tijdstroom, [1939]. Halfcloth. 198 p. Bookplate removed, a little wear at the foot of the spine, otherwise an unblemished, excellent copy.

€ 35

* From the series 'Menschenleed' (= 'Human Sorrow'). Stokvis collected 35 anonymous autobiographies of 26 homosexual men and 9 women. Among them were authors like Anna Blaman and J.H. François and the two pioneers of the Dutch postwar gay movement (C.O.C.), Niek Engelschman and Jaap van Leeuwen.

19. VAUDÈRE, Jane de la Entartete Weiber. Les Demi-sexes. Einzig autorisierte Übersetzung aus dem Französischen von Arthur S. Ebenthal. Wien - Leipzig - Budapest, Verlag von Sachs und Pollak, 1900. Cloth-backed marbled boards. 272 p. First edition. Lower cover stained. Edges a bit worn.

€ 45

* Rare French erotic novel, translated into German.

20. VIELÉ-GRIFFIN, Francis La rose au flot. Légende du Poitou. Paris, Mercure de France, 1922. Original wrappers. 64 p. Uncut. One of 197 numbered copies on 'pur fil' (total number only 246 copies), SIGNED by the author 'F.V.G.'. First edition. Upper cover with some stains at the left side. Slightly worn.

€ 25

21. WEBER, Carl Maria Erwachen und Bestimmung. Eine Station. Gedichte. Leipzig, Kurt Wolff Verlag, 1919. 21 x 13 cm. Original wrappers with purple title ticket. 32 p. First edition. Right upper corner dogeared. Edges a bit creased and slightly discolored.

€ 35

* Second volume of verse by the young German gay expressionist poet, who was heavily marked by his experiences of the Great War. Der jüngste Tag 66.

22. WELCH, Denton Words. Broadsheet Eleven - Sixteen. Bramley, Words Press, 1975. 20 x 13 cm. First Edition. All broadsheets printed in 150 numbered copies on one side only of a sheet measuring 40 x 26 cm, folded twice to make a booklet with 4 pages of text. Fine condition.

€ 65

* Six consecutive Denton Welch Special Numbers, I-V (# 11-15) containing previously unpublished notes and journal fragments, each illustrated with one of those fascinating designs by Welch, plus (VI = # 16) Jean Louis Chevalier: The Afterword with Notes on the Manuscripts and Acknowledgements. Added: an article from 1951 in 'Readers News' (Nov. 1951) and an offprint of 'The Texas Quarterly', Autumn 1964.

23. WHITMAN, Walt Gesang von mir selbst. Übertragen und eingeleitet von Max Hayek. Leipzig / Wien, Verlag der Wiener Graphischen Werkstätte, 1920. 22,5 x 15 cm. Starch marbled boards with a title ticket. 116 p. With a portrait of the author by Sascha Kronberg. First edition of this translation. Spine ends a bit damaged. Cover loosening. Owner's stamp on title page ('Dr. Sophie Rosenzweig').

€ 30

* Translation of ‘Song of myself’. Decorative edition.

24. WILDE, Oscar Teleny or The Reverse of the Medal. Paris, The Olympia Press, [1958]. Paperback. (2), 206 p. Title page printed in green and black. First Olympia Press edition. Spine and right edge a bit worn.

€ 35

* Erotic novel, first published in 1893, attributed to Oscar Wilde. Traveller's Companion Series No. 62. Kearney 137.

25. (WILDE, Oscar). MERLE, Robert Oscar Wilde ou la "destinée" de l'homosexuel. Paris, Gallimard, 1955. Original wrappers. 216 p. 6th thousand. Backstrip creased, otherwise fine.

€ 15

* Oscar Wilde and the 'destiny' of the homosexual. Some incongruities in modern law. A study of Oscar Wilde's case and the modern (1950's) situation of gay men.


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