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Newsletter 14 (May 17, 2011) 

Phocas le Jardinier 


1.  BOUCHER, François Deux époques et leurs styles. Exposition 1814 à 1848 au Louvre. Paris, Louvre, [1948?]. Booklet designed as an envelope. 10 printed pages. Printed in red, green and black. Almost fine copy. 

€ 25

* Fantastic little advertising booklet for the exposition with a text by François Boucher (1885-1966), curator of the Musée Carnavalet.


2.  BROMER, Anne C., & EDISON, Julian I. Miniature books. 40 Years of Tiny Treasures. New York, Abrams/ The Grolier Club, 2007. 28 x 25 cm. Illustrated boards with dust jacket. 416 p. Richly illustrated in colors. First edition. Fine copy. 

€ 25

* Excellently illustrated book about minibooks through the ages. 

3.  DOYON, René-Louis Le Marais de Paris. Énigmes et mystères. Illustré par Gaston Dardaillon. (INSCRIBED). Paris, La Connaissance, 1963. Original wrappers. 196 p. Uncut. Illustrated with drawings and photos. This is one of 300 numbered copies on Pur Fil Lana. First edition. 

€ 35

* With an extensive dedication by the author (1885-1966), man of letters, in the twenties and thirties an important publisher, the man behind La Connaissance, a friend of A.A.M. Stols. 

4.  (EEKHOUD, Georges). HEM DAY 24 mai 1947. Hommage à Georges Eekhoud, né à Anvers en 1854, mort à Bruxelles le 24 mai 1927. Bruxelles/ Paris, Éditions Pensée et Action, 1947. Original wrappers. 52 p. Illustrated. First edition. Cover discolored and soiled. Text paper browned.Tiny ticket on inside lower wrapper. 

€ 25

* With a nice portrait by Henri Kerels. INSCRIBED by the author, Marcel Dieu, an anarchist bookseller.


5.  GAVARNI Oeuvres nouvelles. Les Anglais chez eux. Paris, Librairie nouvelle, 1854. 38 x 28 cm. Original wrappers with 10 lithographies in black-and-white with silk paper covers. Backstrip worn, cover soiled, lower wrapper damaged (corner missing). Some foxing. With old bookseller's mark of 'P. Rolandi, Foreign Bookseller, London'. 

€ 40

* An imposing work. If you are interested, we have three comparable Gavarni publications, Les maris me font toujours rire, Les Bohèmes and L'école des Pierrots, for 40 euros each.


6.  GAVARNI Oeuvres nouvelles. Les maris me font toujours rire. Paris, Librairie nouvelle, 1854. 38 x 28 cm. Couverture originelle illustrée avec 10 lithographies en noir sous serpentes. Couverture défraichie, manques au dos, planches avec quelques rousseurs. Marque ancienne du libraire P. Rolandi, Londres. 

€ 40

* Oeuvre imposante. Nous avons trois autres livres comparables de Gavarni: Les anglais chez eux, Les Bohèmes and L'école des Pierrots.


7.  GENET, Jean L'enfant criminel & 'Adame Miroir. (Paris), Paul Morihien, (1949). 19 x 15 cm. Original wrappers (with a photo of Genet leaving a cell). 56 p. First edition. Backstrip damaged, lower wrapper partly browned. 

€ 22

* An essay (with a portrait of the author) and the description of a ballet for the dancers Roland Petit, Serge Perrault and Skouratoff with music by Darius Milhaud. 

8.  GUGLIA, Eugen (HIMMELBAUER) Knaben. Berlin, Meyer & Jessen, 1913. Original boards. 228 p. Printed on 'Perfecta' mould-made paper. Title in red and black. First edition. Very good copy. 

€ 90

* Curious autobiographical book by an Austrian school teacher and history professor about the Life of the Boy - boys in general, boys special. 'Guglia was a typical scientist, who had scintillating stylistic faculties at his disposal.' INSCRIBED by the author to 'Franz Himmelbauer/ in Dankbarkeit für die freundliche/ und fruchtbare Teilnahme an der/ Entstehung dieses Buches/ [?] 1. Dez. 1913 E.Guglia'. 

9.  KITIR, Josef (HIMMELBAUER) Phönix. Neue Gedichte. Wien / Leipzig, Sol-Verlag, 1910. 17 x 12 cm. Original wrappers. 72 p. First edition. Bright copy. 

€ 90

* INSCRIBED to Franz Himmelbauer 'Dem ersten Künstler, dem feinen Kenner', dated 'Wien,25/II 1910'. Himmelbauer (1871-1918), who worked for the Austrian Ministry of Finance, was a traditional nature poet. Kitir published several poems in Adolf Brand’s Der Eigene. This volume contains an Antinoüs poem and many fine love poems in the second person, of which for instance Die Mütze evokes Mackay. 

10.  (HIRSCHFELD, Magnus). ROYER, Louis-Charles L'Amour en Allemagne. Choses vues. Paris, Les Éditions de France, (1932). Original wrappers. (8), 276 p. Reprint: 130th thousand. Backstrip worn, part of lower cover missing. Poor copy.

Free with an order of another of our books

* Somewhat sensational stories about variants of love in Germany. With a lot of attention for and inside information from Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Science. 

11.  KRAFFT-EBING, R. von Psychopathia Sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung. Eine medicinisch-gerichtliche Studie für Ärzte und Juristen. 12. verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke, 1903. 3/4 leather binding. (2), X, 440 p. 12th edition. Binding somewhat worn, spine partly split. Ticket on spine. Stamp of the Bibliotheca Carmelitana, Wegberg. Corner of first page almost torn off. 

€ 45

* The last edition that was updated by Krafft-Ebing himself (1840-1902), or 'Ausgabe letzter Hand'. 

12.  MITTELSTRASS, Gustav Der junge Mann. Wege zur Lebensgestaltung. Mit 45 Zeichnungen von Otto Schoff. Berlin, Rudolf Mosse, 1926. Original illustrated cloth. 272 p. Illustrated (also with a drawing by Willy Huppert). First edition. Fine copy. 

€ 35

* Attractive book about growing up for adolescents with loving and delicate drawings by Otto Schoff.


13.  RIOLAN Pédérastie et homosexualité. Paris, Maison Universelle, (about 1910). 14 x 10 cm. Original pink wrappers. 100 p. Unopened. First edition. Cover soiled. Publisher's name erased, with two (old) tickets advertising the actual seller. Some stains, last page has a hole. 

€ 75

* Rare sensational booklet, vol. 10 in the series 'Collection Exclusive d'Hygiène et de Médécine'.


14.  RÜHLE, Otto Illustrierte Kultur- und Sittengeschichte des Proletariats. Mit einem Vorwort von A. Lunatscharski und 492 Illustrationen, ausgewählt und beschriftet von Dr. Fritz Schiff. Erster Band [nicht weiter erschienen]. Berlin, Neuer deutscher Verlag, 1930. 29 x 22 cm. Leineneinband mit aufgeklebter Originalumschlag (vorn und hinten). XII, 592 S. Erstausgabe. Etwas berieben. Einige vereinzelte Stockflecken, sonst sehr gut.

€ 30

* Cultural history of the proletarian classes. Rühle (1874-1943) went 1935 into exile and died eight years later in Mexico.


15.  SEX WORSHIP Phallic Objects, Monuments and Remains, Illustrations of the Rise and Development of the Phallic Idea (Sex Worship) and its Embodiment in Works of Nature and Art. Privately Printed, 1889. 20 x 14 cm. Original decorated boards. (10), 76 (4) p. Uncut. With a frontispice. First Edition. 4 x 4 cm piece cut out from flyleaf, but a very nice copy with somewhat browned and worn spine, and with clean pages. 

€ 30

* Curious volume about the archeology of phallic buildings in the past. At the end of the book is an advertisement for the 'Phallic Series', five books about phallic aspects of life.


16.  TAPIS D'ORIENT Exposition & Mise en Vente de Tapis d'Orient. À la Place Clichy. Paris, Les Grands Magasins de la Place Clichy, [1893]. Couverture originelle. 16 p. (couverture incl.). Illustré. Deux petites notes en encre, quelques petites taches, agrafes rouillées. 

€ 25

* Belles illustrations d'Abel Truchet. 10 illustrations de tapis.


17.  TISSOT, S.A.A.D. L’Onanisme. Dissertation sur les Maladies produites par la Masturbation. Paris, Didot le Jeune, 1765. Troisième édition considerablement augmentée. Cartonnage de l’époque. 

€ 200


18.  VENETTE, Nicolaus Von Erzeugung der Menschen. Mit Königl. Pohl. und Chur-Fürstl. Sächs. Allergnädigsten Privilegio.  Leipzig, Thomas Fritsch, 1711. Small 8vo. Twentieth-century marbled boards with a morocco title ticket, very nice. With portrait frontispice and 8 illustrations, mainly of male and female sex organs. Browned and in some parts spotted. Some old underlinings. 

€ 220

* Later edition, 1711, a German translation of De la generation de l'homme, ou Tableau de l'amour conjugal.


19.  VERLAG ALLERT DE LANGE Neue Bücher aus dem Verlag Allert de Lange Amsterdam 1949. Mit vollständigem Verlagsliste. (Verlagsprospekt). Amsterdam, Verlag Allert de Lange, 1949. 20 Seiten + 4 S. Abbildungen auf Kunstdrückpapier. Erstausgabe. In ausgezeichneter Zustand. 

€ 20

* Mit Werbung für Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker, für Bücher von Bertolt Brecht, Martin Flinker, Alfred Neumann, Joseph Roth, Adrienne Thomas und Veit Valentin; für Pulvis Viarum Drucke, und eine Liste von noch lieferbaren Verlagswerke (37 Titel). Die Abbildungen zeigen Alfred Neumann, ein Selbstporträt von Joseph Roth, die Neuerscheinungen 1949 und 23 der älteren lieferbaren Werke.


20.  VIELÉ-GRIFFIN, Francis - PHOCAS Oeuvres. III. L'ours et l'adresse - Saint Martinien - Phocas le Jardinier - Saints Marguerite de Cortone - La rose au flot - L'amour sacré. Paris, Mercure de France, 1927. Original wrappers. 260 p. Uncut. Excellent copy. 

€ 35

* Vielé-Griffin was one of very few authors who used Saint Phocas (who died a martyr under the Emperor Diocletian) as a character in art, in this case, a play. 

21.  WEST, Ludwig E. Homosexuelle Probleme. Im Lichte der neuesten Forschung allgemeinverständlich dargestellt. Berlin, Carl Messer & Cie., 1903. 22 x 16 cm. Gilt half morocco (5 raised bands) with marbled boards. (4), 260 p. First Edition. Slight wear. A few unimportant stains. 

€ 95

* A modern book for its age, possibly written by Johannes Gaulke. Very rare, and a beautiful copy. 

22.  (WHITMAN, Walt). SCHLAF, Johannes Walt Whitman. Berlin, Schuster & Loeffler Verlag, [1904]. Gilt purple calf. 92 p. Illustrated. Second thousand. Slight wear. Some foxing. Rubbed-out inscription on first free endpaper. Frontispice portrait loose, its silk paper cover removed. 

€ 28

* Attractive little study with art-nouveau decorations designed by Heinrich Vogeler.


23.  YEATS, W.B. Selected Poems. Lyrical and Narrative. London, Macmillan, 1929. Embossed blue cloth binding after a design by Charles Ricketts. Top edge gilt. (2), x, 204 p. With a youthful photogravure portrait after John Singer Sargent. First Edition.

€ 50

* Poems selected by Yeats from The Wanderings of Usheen (1889) to The Tower (1928).



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