(BEARDSLEY, Aubrey). FOOTE, Samuel, & HOOK, Theodore; Bon-Mots of Samuel Foote and Theodore Hook edited by Walter Jerrold with Grotesques by Aubrey Beardsley

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Newsletter 3 (May 27, 2010)  

Hand and Soul 

- 20 varied items -   

1.  BIRD & BULL PRESS. MORRIS, Henry Bird & Bull Pepper Pot. North Hills, PA., Bird & Bull Press, 1977. Leather-backed starch paper boards. 90 p. Illustrated. Printed in 'approximately 250' numbered copies on dampened handmade paper watermarked 'Bird & Bull'. First edition. With prospect. 

€ 180

* Delightful, VERY amusing book about paper making. With a tipped in illustration, a sample of paper made from grapevine and a nice correction slip. And a prospect.

2.  DONNE, John A Valediction Forbidding Mourning. Written by John Donne to his Wife upon his departing for France in 1611. Staplehurst, Kent, The Florin Press, 1981. Original wrappers with flaps. 8 p. Unopened. Printed in ochre and black in 175 copies, all numbered and signed by the printer/engraver. This is one of 150 copies on Unbleached Arnold and sewn into a wrapper of Fabriano Ingres. With a wood engraving (encompassing the initial word 'As') by Graham Williams, 'who also printed this keepsake'. 

€ 25

* Fine book production. This happens to be nr. 100.


3.  (ESTADO NOVO) Telefones. Realizações do Estado Novo. Lisbon, Edições SPN, 1934. Stapled. 16 p. A bit creased. 

€ 16

* In Portuguese. This booklet boasts the achievements of Salazar's Estado Novo ('New State') in the telephone department. Nice photographic cover design with telephone pole in grey and yellow.

4.  FARRÈRE, Claude Pierre Loti quand je l'ai connu. [Paris, Édouard Champion], (1927). Les Amis d'Édouard No. 111. Square 12mo. Original wrappers. (4), 80 p. Unopened. Printed in 256 numbered copies, of which this is one of 250 on Arches. First edition. Backstrip a touch discolored, otherwise fine. 

€ 30

* Recollections pulled from Farrère's diary, dating from 1903-1904. With a list of the first 110 books of the series.

5.  FOTOGRAFIE Das Werk. Technische Lichtbildstudien. Mit Vorbemerkung von Eugen Diesel.  Königstein, Verlag Langewiesche, 1931. Die blauen Bücher. 27 x 19 cm. Original stiff wrappers. 80 p. Tiny dog ear. Name on flyleaf and on p. 1. First pages slightly foxed. 

€ 20

* Very fine atmospheric photos of industrial and technical subjects by several artists (many by Paul Wolff). One is reminded of Bernd & Hilla Becher. The book doesn't open wide enough to make a scan of the inside without damaging it, but it also has an elegant cover:

6.  GATTO, Alfonso, & Leonardo SINISGALLI A. Atanasio Soldati. Milano, Edizioni di Campo Grafico, 1934. Original decorated wrappers. 8 pages of text with four illustrations and 28 leaves with photographic plates showing works by Soldati plus his portrait. First edition. Rubber stamp on title ('Omaggio', = For free), and a tiny date in ink. Very slightly soiled, but a very good copy. 

€ 125

* Attractive and rare monography of this 1930's Italian abstract painter (1896-1953).

7.  HALL, Radclyffe The Well of Loneliness. With a commentary by Havelock Ellis. Paris, Pegasus Press, 1928. Cloth with dust jacket. 512 p. Uncut. DJ a bit creased and (at the lower side) partly discolored, backstrip slightly soiled. Lower cover a bit worn. 

€ 40

* First Pegasus Press edition, published in September 1928. Two Jonathan Cape editions in July and August 1928 had been distributed, but then the book was suppressed. Cape's partner brought the molds of the book to Paris, where this first continental printing was made. Rare with dust jacket (containing some press notices; all four corners clipped as issued).

8.  MASEFIELD, John Sard Harker. A Novel. London, William Heinemann, 1924. Cloth with dust jacket. (8), 332 p. First edition. DJ subtly repaired at the inside. Spine area of jackeet discolored, some soiling and tiny tears. Book in very good condition, flyleaves a bit foxed. 

€ 30

* Very rare and intriguing dust jacket: two hairy hands reaching for a large bouquet of blue flowers. With a list of recently published books by Masefield and a list of new publications by Heinemann in the autumn of 1924.

9.  MASEFIELD, John Three original press photos from 1930-1933. 15 x 21 and 20 x 25 cm. With press organisation stamps and captioned tickets with red crayon lines at the reverse. Slight creases and other little signs of wear, but in a general very good condition. 

€ 100

* The first photo, dated May 12 1930, shows Masefield apparently caught unaware in an old suit, in front of a house, with elucidating text on verso 'John Masefield, whose adventurous career included service as a common sailor and porter in a New York pre-prohibition saloon, and who was today appointed Poet Laureate of England'. The second, dated May 22, 1930, shows Masefield and his daughter Judith feeding their two donkeys on his estate near Oxford, England. The third, dated Jan 6, 1933, shows Mr and Mrs Masefield 'as they arrived on the S.S. Mauretania today' in New York.

10.  MILLAY, Edna St. Vincent Original Press Photo taken in Boston on August 22, 1927. Original photo with two stamps ('International Newsreel Corp.') and a captioned ticket pasted on verso. 20,8 x 26,0 cm. With penciled inscription on verso. Unobtrusive creases. 

€ 120

* Millay in 1927 was a world famous poetess (1892-1950), now chiefly remembered for her life-relishing poem 'My candle burns at both ends,/ It will not last the night;/ But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--/ It gives a lovely light!' and her simultaneous relations with men and women.

Like many of her contemporaries she was very upset by the death sentence of the Italian immigrants Sacco and Vanzetti; she wrote four poems about them. Some of her co-campaigners were Dorothy Parker, G.B. Shaw, Upton Sinclair and H.G. Wells. This photo was made the day before the execution. According to the caption '[Millay is taken] under arrest with another woman by plain clothesmen and police. Both women were participants in the "Death March" by Sacco-Vanzetti sympathizers in front of the State House, and were among the many picketers arrest today.' Far left we see Millay detained by a plainclothesman, who at his other side holds an elderly woman with a grim face. She is flanked by a uniformed policeman. Behind them walks another policeman detaining two men (one is smiling).

11.  MOLINARI, Ricardo E. A Alfonso Reyes, elegia. (Homenaje a Alfonso Reyes). Buenos Aires, Colombo, 1964. Original wrappers. 12 p. With an illustration by Osvaldo Franscisco Colombo. Printed in 40 numbered copies, all signed by the author and the publisher / artist. First edition. Fine copy. 

€ 150

* This is one of 20 copies printed on Ingres paper. Pleasant little book with two mottos by Pierre Reverdy.


12.  POE, Edgar Allen (sic!) The fall of the House of Usher. With 10 aquatints by Alexandre Alexeïeff. Maastricht, The Halcyon Press/ A.A.M. Stols, 1930. Original cloth with large gilt printer's mark, designed by John Buckland Wright. 72 (= 68) p. Printed in 365 numbered copies. Spine a bit discolored. Light smoky odor. 

€ 175

* Imaginative, sinister etchings! The Halcyon Press 10. Van Dijk 222.

13.  PURDY, James The Blue House. Forbidden Poems. Utrecht, Hugin & Munin, 2004. Gilt morocco backed boards with Roma paper in slipcase (Phoenix Bindery). 40 p. Set by hand from  Romanée and Cancelleresca Bastarda type and printed in black and blue on Zerkall-Bütten in 80 numbered copies, all signed (a bit shakily) by the author. First edition. 

€ 250

* This is one of only 18 Roman numbered deluxe copies bound in 3/4 morocco. A lustrously beautiful book with refined typography.

14.  REEVES, James. Illustrated by Edward ARDIZZONE Arcadian Ballads with illustrations by Edward Ardizzone. Andoversford, The Whittington Press, 1977. Decorated cloth with slipcase. xiv, 52 p. Printed in 200 cloth copies (and 50 leather copies) on heavy Arches litho paper. SIGNED by Reeves and Ardizzone. Spine very slightly discolored, otherwise fine. 

€ 110

* Attractive illustrations in a lovely book of poems, freely adapted from Ovid's Metamorphoses by James Reeves (1909-1978), the author of poetry for adults as well as for children. Reeves collaborated with Edward Ardizzone (1900-1979) for several publications.

15.  ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel Hand and Soul. Maastricht, The Halcyon Press / A.A.M. Stols, 1928. Cloth with title ticket. 17 x 13 cm. Top gilt. Uncut. (2), 44 p. Printed in 361 numbered copies. Bookplate on inside cover. Flyleaves browned. 

€ 25

* One of 325 copies on Van Gelder Zonen paper. Beautiful initials and typography by Jan van Krimpen, who used a type thought to be composed by the 15th century printer Peter Schöffer. The Halcyon Press 3. Van Dijk 126.

16.  SCHWOB, Marcel Le livre de Monelle. Paris, Édition du Mercure de France, 1897. Square 16mo. Original wrappers. VI, 288 p. Uncut. Top and foot of spine slightly worn, 5 cm tear in backstrip. Some little foxing stains on front wrapper, tiny tear in yapp edge. Inside fine. 

€ 45

* Early edition (the young Symbolist writer was still alive: 1867-1905), in fact the 1894 first edition with renewed title page. Not a bad copy with its original wrappers.

17.  THACKERAY, W.M. Thackeray Calendar for 1899. Floral die cut embossed and gilt stiff paper calendar with color portrait of Thackeray, his house on 2, Palace Green and the dates of the twelve months of the year in an intricate frame of purple violets and rococo motifs. 27 x 19 cm. Probably printed in the United States. Some glue traces at the unprinted verso of the calendar, otherwise in fine state. 

€ 75

* A delicate and unusual celebration of this well-loved author (1811-1863)! See illustration.

18.  TOMBAUGH, Clyde W. Publicity sheet of Pluto signed by the discoverer of the planet.  NASA fact sheet, dated 1994, with artist's impression (by Pat Rawlings) in colours of Pluto and its moon Charon, signed in felt tip pen by Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered 'Planet X' in 1930. Oblong 25,3 x 20,4 cm.  

€ 80

* Pluto lost its status as a planet in 2006, but Tombaugh didn't live to be offended by this degradation: he died in 1997, 90 years old. The ambitious astronomer signed many items with that same sentence, 'Discovered 9th planet, Pluto, on 18 Feb 1930'. This is a very nice one with a fine, large impression of what Pluto might look like.

By the way, the fact sheet predicts the atmospheric collapse of Pluto 'onto the surface in a planet-wide snow storm' in 2010. While we are expecting this snow storm, or distrusting this detailed weather forecast 16 years ahead, an ounce of the late Clyde Tombaugh's ashes is en route to his dear planet child with the greatest speed ever achieved by human means with the robot spacecraft New Horizons. It is planned to pass by Pluto at 13.700 km on July 14, 2015 around 11:47 Greenwich Mean Time. Grab the chance to buy an original autograph of a man of whom a part (possibly his very writing hand) is at this moment nearing to 4.5 billion kilometres from home. No human particle ever traveled so far...

19.  (ULLSTEIN VERLAG). Wilhelm SPEYER Sibyllenlust. Ein neues Buch aus dem Verlag Ullstein. (Publisher's prospect). Berlin, Ullstein Verlag, 1928. 24,5 x 16 cm. 4 p. Illustrated by 'Löwen'. First edition. Very good copy. 

€ 35

* This very attractive publisher's prospect pictures the planned cover of this novel and four other books by Speyer on one side, and on the other an ornate ironwork gate showing the text: 'Am 26. Juli erscheint Sibyllenlust...' with part of a review by Bruno Frank. Sibyllenlust was a revision of Speyer's novel Das fürstliche Haus Herfurth (1914). An uncommon publication! The prospect is larger than my scanner.

20.  WILLIAMS, Graham Double Crown Club. Dinner 286.  [Staplehurst, Kent, The Florin Press, 1986].  25 x 17 cm. Wrappers. 8 p. Printed in red and black. Illustrated with two wood engravings by Graham Williams and nine printer's marks. First edition. Fine copy. 

€ 30

* Menu for the Double Crown Club Dinner 286. Williams made two nice wood engravings (one in color) for this humorous publication. He added a tiny sheet, 'Errata egregia' about the various mistakes in the menu, with another nice tiny wood engraving and a printer's mistake corrected in red pencil. It is signed 'Grhaam Wiiliams'!



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