MOORE, T. Sturge; Nine poems

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Newsletter 22 (October, 2012)

Noses & Roses

Illustration from Nr. 14 of this list

1. ARKSTÉE, H.K. Nymegen, de oude hoofdstad der Batavieren, in dichtmaat beschreven, En met aantekeningen, de Oudheden van de stad, en die van het Quartier van Nymegen betreffende, opgeheldert door -. Den Haag, By Ottho & Pieter van Thol, 1738. Contemporary vellum (a bit soiled). (28), 320 p. With 31, partly fold-out engravings (one print torn).

€ 950

* Good and complete copy of this attractively illustrated book (text in poetry plus notes) about Nijmegen and its history, including the four well-known fold-out city views by C. Pronk and J. Ruyter.

2. ARTAUD, Antonin Les nouvelles révélations de l'être. Paris, Éditions Noël, 1937. Original wrappers, stapled. 32 p. First edition. Apart from a little soiling a fine copy.

€ 200

* Mysterious prose full of astrology, tarot and kabbalistic computations and predictions. A curious little book published anonymously, only signed 'Le Révélé', with joyful cover printed in red and black on orange.

3. (BARNEY, Nathalie Clifford). HERON-ALLEN, Edward Memoranda of Memorabilia Encountered in the Course of a Sentimental Journey through the Correspondence of Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné and her Friends and recorded by Edward Heron-Allen, F.R.S. Necromancer to Ye Sette of Odd Volumes. Some observations suggested by which formed the subject of a Discourse delivered by him as President of Ye Sette on the 24th of April 1928. Oxford, 'Printed by the University Press and to be had of no bokesellers' (sic), 1928. 15 x 11 cm. Richly gilt boards. 148 p. With two portraits. Printed in 133 numbered copies. First edition. Backstrip browned, some tiny spots on binding. Inside in very fine condition.

€ 200

* This is one of 13 deluxe copies 'imprynted upon Japanese vellum' (to wit, Nr. 11), with a written presentation for Natalie Clifford Barney, "Israfil", dated February 21, 1931, signed by Edward Heron-Allen, 'Necromancer to Ye Sette, and President' of this quaint literary club. Barney (1876-1972) was a famous lesbian society woman, living together with painter Romaine Brooks in Paris.

4. BENSON, E.F. Paying guests. A Novel. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1929. Cloth. 288, (16) p. First edition. Some tiny spots. Newspaper clipping with review tipped-in on inside upper cover.

€ 75

* INSCRIBED by the author 'To/ Eugenia de Nottbeck/ with all affectionate greetings/ from/ E.F. Benson/ March 17.29.' Eugenia de Nottbeck, from Geneva, was an elderly American lady (1855-1944) with a share in the Astor estate. She used her wealth generously for the benefit of Magdalen College, where Arthur Benson, a brother of the author, was Master from 1915 until his death in 1925.

5. CASEMENT, Roger - Peter SINGLETON-GATES & Maurice GIRODIAS The Black Diaries. An account of Roger Casement's life and times with a collection of his diaries and public writings. Paris, The Olympia Press, 1959. 25 x 16 cm. Cloth. 628 p. Special limited edition of 1500 numbered copies, 'the only one to contain Roger Casement's Diary for the year 1911'.

€ 70

* First edition of the uncensored Casement diaries pertaining to his promiscuous sex life.

6. CAUSLEY, Monroe S. Arthur W. Rushmore & the Golden Hind Press. A History & Bibliography. Published in association with The Madison Public Library, Madison, New Jersey. Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2005. 30 x 22 cm. Leather-backed marbled boards. With a marbled slipcase. XVIII, 178 p. Illustrated. Printed in 170 numbered copies, all signed by the author. This is nr. 169. Errata slip included. 1st edition. Fine copy.

€ 65

* Extensive bibliography. Tipped-in specimen of marbled paper and other illustrations.

7. CRANE, Walter A Floral Fantasy in an old English Garden. Set forth in verses & coloured designs by Walter Crane. London, Harper & Brothers, 1899. Richly decorated cloth (upper and lower cover). 46 leaves in French fold, printed by Edmund Evans. Fully illustrated in colors except for the double title and colophon pages, which are printed in monochrome ochre. First edition. Name and date on p. 3: 'H. Merens/ Oct. 1899'. Backstrip a bit worn, cloth slightly browned, but the green, white and red blocking is still fresh. In very good condition, the binding still strong.

€ 240

* A wonderful book of verse about flowers and their popular names, the texts incorporated in colorful Art Nouveau plates where the flowers have been depicted as 'squires and dames', fairies, knights and beautiful queens. An exquisite children's book with matching flyleaves and a striking binding decoration.

8. CRUIKSHANK, Isaac Robert Lessons of Thrift, Published for General Benefit By a Member of the Save-All Club. London, Thomas Boys, 1820. Later 3/4 blindstamped leather with marbled boards, a bit rubbed. XVI, 1-38, 43-86, 111-162, 179-240 p. (= text complete). With handcolored engraved title and 10 handcolored aquatints. Two prints missing. First edition. Except for the missing prints in a very good condition. Inscription on flyleaf "EMS/ Lizzie Stent/ Octr 1870". With a printed message to the reader in the preliminaries of the book: "The reader will perceive an hiatus after p. 38, another after p. 86, and a third after p. 162. Some digressions occurred in those places too abstruse to be generally interesting; they have therefore been withdrawn; but in consequence of a temporary absence of the author, the suppression took place after the work was printed. As the connexion of its parts is not disturbed, it is hoped that the liberty thus taken will be tolerated with indulgence."

€ 75

* With 10 fantastic original colored aquatints by Cruikshank. Nice binding probably from 1870.

9. DOUGLAS, Lord Alfred Two Loves. [No place: E. du Perron], 1928. Original wrappers. (2), (4), 28, (4) p. Printed by A.A.M. Stols in only 50 copies. Very good copy.

€ 225

* Private edition of E. du Perron: twelve poems expurgated from the 1919 edition of the collected poems of Douglas because of their homosexual contents (see Du Perron's correspondence of June 1928). Typography by Stols. Batten / Stols 82. Van Dijk 134.

10. (EVOLUTION). SAMIVEL Samovar et Baculot dans Parade des diplodocus. Avec Diplodocus, Triceratops, Ptérodactyle et la Puce. Mise en scène, texte et dessins de SAMIVEL. Paris, Paul Hartmann, 1933. 28 x 25 cm. Original illustrated boards. 56 p. Fully illustrated in colors. First edition. Cover a bit worn (corners) and soiled.

€ 250

* Famous children's book concerning evolution (influenced by Teilhard de Chardin) with brilliantly humorous drawings by Paul Gayet-Tancrède better known as Samivel (1907-1992). Rich in fine graphics (and rich in dinosaurs).

11. GOTTHELF, Jeremias Elsi die seltsame Magd. Mit Originalradierungen von Max Unold. München, Drei Masken Verlag, 1921. First Obelisk-Druck. Original full vellum (by Gustav Keilig) with 5 ribs and title ticket, in a vellum-lined marbled slipcase. 52 p. Printed in 320 numbered copies on Zanders Bütten. With 8 large and 6 small drypoint etchings by Max Unold. First edition. Edges of slipcase slightly worn, book in fine condition.

€ 280

* Fine deluxe edition. One of 50 Roman numbered copies bound in full vellum. Signed by Unold.

12. GROOT, Hugo de Nederlandtsche jaerboeken en historien, Sedert het jaer MDLV tot het jaer MDCIX; Met de belegering der stast Grol en den aenkleven des jaers MDCXXVII; Als ook het Tractaet van de Batavische nu Hollandtsche Republyk en de vrye zeevaert, met aenteeckeningen: Voorts met het Leven des Schrijvers, twee volkomen Registers, en veele koopere Platen verciert. Alles vertaelt door Joan Goris. Amsterdam, By de Weduwe van Joannes van Someren, Abraham Wolfganck en Hendrik en Dirk Boom, 1681. 34 x 22 cm. Contemporary vellum (some soiling, upper cover loose). (44), 592, (76), 20, (6), 74 p. Title engraving by Abraham Blooteling. 19 (of 20: portrait of the author is missing) full-page portraits and 27 double-page engravings (a.o. by Jan Luyken). First edition. Some prints marginally torn, one damaged (with loss of content).

€ 550

* Classical folio-format history of the Netherlands during the Eighty Years' War (between 1555 and 1617) with first-rate illustrations.

13. GWASG GREGYNOG The Twelve - Y Deuddeg. Wood engravings by John Elwyn. With Commentary by Glyn Tegai Hughes. Newtown, Gwasg Gregynog, 2000. 25 x 15 cm. Cloth-backed decorated boards. (2), 38 p. Set in Monotype Garamond by Eric Franklin and cast at Gregynog by Brian Pawley. Printed on Somerset mould-made paper by David Vickers and bound by Alan Wood in 250 numbered copies. Wood engravings and cover paper by John Elwyn (1916-1997). Book design Robert Meyrick. Fine condition.

€ 110

* Texts from the Bible about the Twelve Apostles, and verse from various Welsh and English poets, among them Iolo Goch, Goronwy Owen, Richard Taylor and Thomas Washbourne.

14. (INCUNABLE). OCHSENBRUNNER, Thomas Priscorum heroum stemmata. Rome, Johann Besicken & Sigismundus Mayer, February 18, 1494. No wrappers, but sewn with modern endpapers. Part of early 19th century wrapper preserved. (54) p. Richly illustrated with one full-page woodcut, 75 woodcuts in the text (from 16 blocks), two pages with illustrated borders and several nice woodcut initials. Roman type. First edition. Last blank missing. Cut short in places. Some stamps from a 19th century library ('Königl. Acad.d. Künste zu Berlin'). First (blank) page slightly soiled and with a written number. Full-page woodcut has some light amateur coloring. Creased, especially last 8 or 10 leaves. Last leaf soiled, rather creased and bumped, but without tears. First and last leaf discreetly and professionally strengthened.

€ 6250

* Attractively printed early history of Rome ('The Pedigrees of the Ancient Heroes') intended for pilgrims and other visitors. After a preface and sketch of Rome's mythical beginnings with Janus, Romulus is introduced, followed by later kings, heroes and emperors, until the year 412. In the impressive full-page woodcut the Capitoline oak is growing from a sleeping Romulus, surrounded by many feats of Roman history. For the 71 smaller illustrations depicting the heroes as human acorns framed by elegantly rendered oak branches, only 12 different blocks have been used, but they are really charming. Some of the larger illustrations have been signed IH-HS. According to G.K. Nagler, Monogrammisten III, 1127, this signature might be connected with Jacob von Strassburg. A delightfully illustrated little history book. References: Goff O7; BMC IV 139; BSB O-1; GW M27428.

15. KERTBENY, K.M. La Hongrie. Son développement intellectuel et politique. Notice sur le Comte Széchényi. Traduite de l'allemand par Gustave Revilliod. Genève, H. Georg, 1860. Original wrappers. 48 p. Uncut. First edition. Lower part of cover and lower right tips of the first pages stained.

€ 90

* Memories by the enigmatic journalist and author Karl Maria Kertbeny about the great Hungarian reformer Count István Széchenyi (1781-1860), whom Kertbeny had met in the 1840's.

16. MAGNÚSSON, Petúr The First Book of Rimes. "Noses & Roses". [Amsterdam], self-published, 1985. 16 x 13 cm. Plastic photo folder with 32 original etchings. Printed in only FOUR numbered copies! First edition.

€ 120

* Extraordinary artist's book with a story in pictures about a nose and a vase, with subtile play of lines, ending with a promotion etching (in Dutch) for the next book in the series 'Book of Rimes'.

17. MANNEKEN PIS Histoire et Origine de Manneken-Pis, suivie de l'historique de la Place des Martyrs et de l'Église de Sainte-Gudule. Brussels, Maison Verrassel-Charvet, (ca. 1860). 15 x 10 cm. Original wrappers. 72 p. Very good copy.

€ 45

* Nice touristical guide of some important sights of Brussels. With a folding colour lithograph (15 x 37 cm) with four different depictions of Manneken Pis, the endearing 17th-century sculpture of an urinating boy used as a fountain in the centre of the city. It was designed by François Duquesnoy. 'Fontaine de Manneken-Pis'; 'Tenue Garde-Civique 1830'; 'Naturel'; 'Tenue de Procession'.

18. OPTICS 1910 Kollektiv-Ausstellung der Deutschen Präzisions-Mechanik und Optik. Veranstaltet von der deutschen Gesellschaft für Mechanik und Optik. Brüssel 1910. (Trade catalogue). (Leipzig, Hermann Hönnicke Kunst-Anstalt, 1910). Original decorated cloth. (2), XVI, 144 p. Many technical illustrations. First edition. Ticket from an optics seller (Robert Drosten, Brussels) on cover, stamp on title page. Binding a bit soiled, otherwise fine.

€ 50

* Exposition catalog for the World Exposition in Brussels, 1910, about German precision mechanics and optics. Full of attractive advertisements of Carl Zeiss-Jena and other technical factories in Germany. Accomplished printing on art paper.

19. PEYREFITTE, Roger Les Amitiés Particulières. Avec, en frontispices, deux lithographies originales de Valentine Hugo. Paris, Jean Vigneau, 1946. 28 x 20 cm. Two volumes. Loose quires (as published) in fold-in wrappers, cardboard portfolios and a slipcase. (4), 182; (4), 182 p. Printed in red and black in 740 numbered copies. Slipcase partly discolored, backs of portfolios a bit yellowed. Bookplates (nice ones) and a few tiny owner's marks in ink at the inside of the wrappers.

€ 150

* Monumental book production, the first illustrated edition of this famous coming of age boarding school novel about Special Friendship. With two original lithographic frontispices by Valentine Hugo, signed in the stone. Bookplates for Ernst Lampe (1919-2000) designed in the 1940's by Gisele van Waterschoot van der Gracht (now exactly 100 years old!).

20. POWERS, Gary (& Curt GENTRY) Operation Overflight. The U-2 spy pilot tells his story for the first time. New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, (1970). Original cloth. (8), 376 p. With SIGNED inscription by Gary Powers. 1st edition. Part of dust jacket with photo of both authors tipped in at inside lower cover. Spine a bit discolored.

€ 150

* With autograph inscription of the man who was world news in 1960: Francis Gary Powers (1929-1977) was captured by the Russians when his U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. He was freed in 1962 and died 15 years later in a helicopter crash.

21. POWYS, John Cowper Porius. A Romance of the Dark Ages. London, Macdonald, 1951. Original richly gilt blue half morocco. Top gilt. xx, 684 pp. (India paper). With a portrait of the author as a frontispice. One of 200 numbered and SIGNED deluxe copies of the first edition.

€ 450

* One of the most fascinating novels ever written in its magnificent original deluxe appearance, signed by the author, Old Earth Man John Cowper Powys. If you want a book that is BEST in all aspects…

22. PROUST, Marcel Les Plaisirs et les Jours. Illustrations de Madeleine Lemaire. Préface d'Anatole France et quatre pièces pour piano de Reynaldo Hahn. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1896. 30 x 22 cm. Leather-backed marbled boards, original upper and lower wrapper bound in. (4), X, 274 p. With tinted extratext pictures and vignettes by Madeleine Lemaire. First edition. Extremities a little worn. Book block bent, otherwise fine.

€ 1400

* Proust's rare debut, complete with the delicate original wrappers.

23. REEVES, James. Illustrated by Edward ARDIZZONE Arcadian Ballads with illustrations by Edward Ardizzone. Andoversford, The Whittington Press, 1977. Decorated cloth with slipcase. xiv, 52 p. Printed in 200 cloth copies (and 50 leather copies) on heavy Arches litho paper. SIGNED by Reeves and Ardizzone. Spine very slightly discolored, otherwise fine.

€ 110

* Attractive illustrations in a lovely book of poems, freely adapted from Ovid's Metamorphoses by James Reeves (1909-1978), the author of poetry for adults as well as for children. He collaborated with Edward Ardizzone (1900-1979) for several books.

24. (RETZSCH, Moritz). SCHILLER, Friedrich von Fridolin, Huit Dessins de Retzsch, avec une traduction littérale, et vers par vers, de la ballade de Schiller, intitulée Fridolin, oder der Gang nach dem Eisenhammer, par Mme Elise Voïart, auteur des six amours. Paris, Audot, 1829. Landscape format (oblong 12 x 15 cm). Original illustrated wrappers illustrated with a wood engraving copying the first engraving by Retzsch. 24 pages and 8 extratext engravings. First edition. Small ticket on cover. Backstrip worn, cover a bit spotted and with edgewear. Somewhat foxed. Bookplate of Eugene Strens.

€ 30

* Attractive little book with prints by Moritz Retzsch. Cover title: Ballade de Schiller, traduite par Madame Élise Voïart, avec 8 gravures d'après les dessins de Retszch.

25. RÖPKE, Wilhelm Krise und Konjunktur. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer, 1932. Original cloth with dust jacket. (4), 144 p. First edition. DJ a bit worn at the top and slightly yellowed. Tiny chip at the top of the book, otherwise in excellent condition.

€ 45

* Forceful dust jacket in red, white and black. First edition of Röpke's first work, published the year before he was exiled to Turkey.

26. ROYCROFTERS - BROWNING, Robert So this then is Christmas Eve. Done into print by the Roycrofters at the Roycroft Shop, which is in East Aurora, New York, U.S.A. East Aurora, Roycrofters, 1899. Full brown suede with obliquely set title. Orange silk pastedowns. 84 p. Set in Old Style Antique and printed on Boxwood paper. All initials illuminated, title page hand-colored. Crease in lower pastedown, tiny signs of wear, but generally in excellent condition, despite the delicate construction of the book.

€ 65

* Subtle coloring by hand of the title page and initials. McKenna 38.

27. SALZMANN, Christian Gotthilf Ueber die heimlichen Sünden der Jugend. Leipzig, Friedrich Christian Wilhelm Vogel, 1819. Leather-backed boards. VIII, 232 p. Telling title engraving with a young man in a bleak wood, contemplating a foot-long cockroach. Fourth edition. Copy from the Kinderbesserungsanstalt zu Dresden ('Child Correction Institute in Dresden') with stamps and some other marks on the first few pages. Cover somewhat worn, but inside condition very good.

€ 150

* Interesting anti-masturbation book by the German educationalist Salzmann (1744-1811) in the tradition of Onania, or the Heinous Sin of self-Pollution. First published 1785.

Ueber die heimlichen Sünden der Jugend" />

Ueber die heimlichen Sünden der Jugend" />

28. SCHWEITZER, Albert Seventeen Autograph Letters Signed to Maria Lagendijk. 29 leaves recto. 1938-1962.

€ 4500

* Important collection of extensive, fatherly letters by the philosopher, physician, missionary and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) to Maria Jacoba Lagendijk (1907-1990), his steadfast and loyal nurse from 1938 until Schweitzer's death. Some letters were written from Schweitzer's hospital in Lambaréné, others are travel letters from abroad. Schweitzer informs his nurse about the daily affairs in the 'Spital' and difficulties with the hospital's staff when she is in Holland visiting her parents in Oudewater. He writes her about his illness, his busy schedule, his encounters with admirers. Schweitzer is concerned about Lagendijk's boat trip and her visa. Several times he congratulates her with her birthday, and when her father dies he sends his warm condolences. 'Diese Zeilen sollen dir einen herzlichen Gruss von uns allen bei der Landung überbringen' (4.11.1938) [...] 'Und du weisst, dass ich dich von Herzen lieb habe. Du gehörst zu meinem Spital. Ich zähle auf dich' (2.10.1951).

29. SPENDER, Stephen World within world. The Autobiography of Stephen Spender London, Hamish Hamilton, 1951. 8vo. Cloth. X, 350 p. First British Edition. Edges slightly faded.

€ 75

* With spectacular autograph dedication to Hansi Lambert, to whom Spender dedicated his Engaged in Writing and The Fool and the Princess: '[brown ink:] To Hansi with love from/ Stephen & Natasha -/ March 8 1951./ [red pencil:] N.B./ NOT TO READ/ TILL AFTER WE'VE/ GONE.'

30. UG XXX rated 3. [Paris], CBO editions, [2003]. Entirely screen-printed. 21 x 11 cm. 12 p. French fold with pop-ups and covers. Printed in 100 numbered copies. Tiny dog's ear on one element.

€ 250

* Very intricate and delicate, sexy pop-ups by the extremely capable French artist, the 'paper engineer' Philippe Huger. Adults only. With a wad of cotton wool on front cover, smelling sweetly.

31. WILDE, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray. Illustrated (in colors) by Majeska. New York, Horace Liveright, 1930. Cloth (with a broken slipcase). Top gilt. viii, 284 p. Printed in purple and black on mould-made paper with deckle edges in 1540 numbered copies. Signed by the artist under the frontispice. First edition. Spine slightly worn.

€ 80

32. (ZILVERDISTEL). GOSSAERT, Geerten Experimenten. Den Haag, De Zilverdistel, 1911. 4to. Modern morocco-backed boards with gilt spine title. Original upper cover bound in. 52 p. Printed by Joh. Enschedé with an 18th century type of Fleischmann in 60 copies, numbered and signed by the author. First edition.

€ 450

* INSCRIBED by Gossaert to the poet J. Jac. Thomson (1882-1961). De Zilverdistel 3.

A picture from Nr. 10 of this list

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